Why can't I cancel or get a refund for my Order on Easyfit.in?
On Easyfit.in brings to you incredible Offers at amazing prices. This is our shopping event of the year and we are expecting a surge in the number of shoppers.
For this reason, we have a 'No Cancellation, No Refund' policy. This is to discourage unfair buyer practices and to ensure that genuinely interested buyers get the best opportunity to make their purchase.
But in case you've received a damaged/defective/not-as-described item, you can always return it back for a replacement. Refunds or store credit (to Easyfit Wallet) are not available for shopping on Easyfit.in.
What happens if I receive a defective/damaged item purchased on Easyfit.in?
In case you've received a damaged/defective/not-as-described item purchased on Easyfit.in, you can return it to the seller for a replacement.
Please note, we have a 'No Cancellation, No Refund' policy for purchases made on Easyfit.in.
If you have received an item in a 'Damaged' or 'Defective' condition, or if it is 'Not as Described' by the Seller, you may request a replacement at no extra cost. Return Policy is Seller specific and terms may differ. Please check the respective Seller's policy when buying or before initiating a return for a replacement.
Replacement is subject to availability of stock with the Seller. If the product is out of stock, you will receive a full refund, no questions asked.
What is Easyfit Buyer Protection?
Easyfit Buyer Protection seeks to help Buyers who have an issue with a product as the Seller is unable to provide resolution and the Buyer is unconvinced.
Write to us at info@easyfit.in in case you want to raise a dispute. Easyfit looks at each dispute on a case-by-case basis and tries to be fair with the buyer. Easyfit will be responsible for the final decision for settling the dispute.
When are returns not possible?
There are certain scenarios where it is difficult for us to support returns
- Return request is made outside the specified time frame
- Product is damaged because of use or Product is not in the same condition as you received it
- Specific categories like Adult Pull Ups, Adult Diapers, Baby Pull Ups, Baby Diapers & UnderPads, if the packet is opened and used
- Defective products which are covered under the manufacturer's warranty
- Any consumable item which has been used or installed
- Products with tampered or missing serial numbers
- Anything missing from the package you've received including price tags, labels, original packing, freebies and accessories
Do I have to return the free gift when I return a product?
Yes. The free gift is included as part of the item order and needs to be returned along with the originally delivered product.
Can I return part of my order?
Yes, a return can be created at item level and if you have ordered multiple items, you can initiate a return for a partial quantity, if ordered in multiple qunatities and not satisfied with the multiple quantity.
Are Easyfit products covered under warranty?
Easyfit products are consumables and does not covered under warranty. In case the product has any manufacturing defect, you can contact us within the specified warranty period for resolution. The warranty period may differ for each Easyfit product.
Are Truchek Medical Equipments covered under warranty?
Truchek Medical Equipments are covered under warranty. In case the product has any manufacturing defect, you can contact us within the specified warranty period for resolution. The warranty period may differ for each Truchek Medical Equipments. All Medical Consumables including batteries and any other accessories/consumables are not covered under warranty. Only machines are covered under warranty.